الدراسات الإسلامية


If you want to understand your religion and maintain your religion while living in a non-Muslim environment

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General Islamic Studies Classes

ما لا يسع المسلم جهله

Islam religion offers guidance in every aspect of human life, but in a non-Muslim country, it can be challenging to adhere to Islamic values and raise children in an unfavorable environment.

However, Allah, the Creator, understands the difficulties faced by believers and has provided the perfect role model in the form of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The Prophet, along with his companions, faced numerous hardships but remained steadfast in following Allah's commands, prioritizing the afterlife over worldly desires.

By enrolling in Islamic Studies courses, students can gain a deeper understanding of the teachings of Islam and how to implement them in daily life. 

These Islamic Classes offer insights into the Qur'an, Hadith, Islamic history, and jurisprudence (Fiqh), and providing a well-rounded education on the Islam / religion's principles.


General Islamic Studies Classes

Why Take Islamic Studies Course?

An Islamic Studies course is a great way to deepen your knowledge of Islam and apply its teachings practically. It offers many benefits, including:

  • In-depth knowledge of Islamic history: An Islamic Studies course can help you develop a deep understanding of Islamic history, including the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions.
  • A better understanding of Aqeedah: The course can help you gain knowledge about the basics of Aqeedah, which is essential to understand the core beliefs of Islam.
  • Removal of misconceptions: The course can help you remove any misconceptions you may have about Islam.
  • Connection with the Holy Quran: An Islamic Studies course can help you build a stronger connection with the Holy Quran, understand its teachings and apply them in your daily life.
  • Understanding daily problems and their solutions through Islamic teachings: The course can help you understand how to apply Islamic teachings to solve everyday problems.
  • Learning Islamic manners and ethics: The course can teach you Islamic manners and ethics, which are important for living a good and fulfilling life.
  • Daily dua: An Islamic Studies course can help you learn daily duas, which can be used to seek guidance and blessings.
  • Importance of Salah: The course can help you understand the importance of Salah, its significance in Islam and how to perform it properly.
  • Forms of worship: The course can help you learn about the different forms of worship in Islam, including fasting, Zakat, and Hajj.
  • Improved understanding of Islam: An Islamic Studies course can help you gain a deeper understanding of Islam, its teachings, and its values.

Overall, an Islamic Studies course can provide you with religious education using relevant methods, and provide in-depth knowledge of the fundamentals of Islam.

محاور الدورة

  • العقيدة 

  • الفقه

  • التزكية والأخلاق 



  • الإيمان بالله 

  • والقضاء والقدر 

  • الإيمان بالملائكة

  • الإيمان باليوم الآخر


  • الطهارة 

  • الصلاة 

  • الصيام 

  • الحج


في هذه الدورة يتم دراسة كتاب من كتب الآداب والتزكية والرقائق وفي هذه العلم خيرا كثير في بيان الطريق والسير إلى الله عز وجل وفضل هذا العلم أنه يهتم بإصلاح آفات القلوب.




The Hadith is an essential component of Islamic legislation and serves as the second source of guidance for Muslims. 

This educational program is designed to help learners understand and appreciate the Hadith through a comprehensive three-step process. 

  1. The first step involves instilling the meanings of the Hadith in the hearts of beginners.
  2. The second step is focused on memorizing the Hadiths that form the foundation of Islam.
  3. Finally, the third step involves studying the Hadith's sanad and matn, which teaches students how to distinguish between Sahih (authentic) Hadith and Hadith Al-Dhaif (weak).

This interactive curriculum is widely used by students in schools and universities, and it relies on common approved resources (Ahl-Assuna Wal-Jama'a) to ensure the quality of Hadith education.

كتب علم الحديث للمبتدئين

  • كتاب الأربعين النووية

  • رياض الصالحين

كتب المستوى المتوسط

  • كتاب عمدة الأحكام

  • نخبة الفكر

كتب المستوى المتقدم

  • صحيح البخاري 

  • صحيح مسلم

فضل علم الحديث

يرجع فضل علم الحديث أنه مرتبط بنبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، تفجرت منه بحار العلوم الفقهية، والأحكام الشرعية، وتزينت بجوهره التفاسير القرآنية كما قال ابن الوزير رحمه الله.



Learning Aqidah is an essential aspect of Islamic education, and it plays a crucial role in shaping the spiritual and moral outlook of Muslims.

Aqidah refers to Islamic creed or beliefs & faith in Islam (Theology)

Aqidah classes form the foundation of the learner's faith and shape his/her worldview. It is through Aqidah that Muslims come to know about:

  • أسماء الله الحسنى ومعانيها
  • صفات الله عز وجل وما ينبغي في حقه سبحانه وما لا يجوز
  • النبوات وصفات الأنبياء وما ينبغي الإيمان به في حقهم مثل العصمة و المستحيل جوازه عليهم
  • السمعيات والغيبيات
  • من حكم الخلق والإيجاد
  • الرد على الشبهات حول الإسلام ونبيه صلى الله عليه وسلم
  • علاقة الإيمان بدور الإنسان وغايته على الأرض

The curriculum has 3 levels:

Beginner level: This level is designed for learners starting at the age of five. It offers an interactive curriculum prepared by the Quran Path Academy in Arabic and English, featuring activities and exercises about God Almighty, His Names, His Attributes, and their impact on human behavior.

Intermediate level: At this level, students study the explanation of Aqidat Al-Awam which is one of most popular Islamic faith books by Islamic Scholar Sheikh Ahmed Al-Marzouki (1842). it is a poem from 57 verses. This poetic composition contains:

  • The attributes of Allah, what is appropriate for Him, and what is not permissible to say about the Creator.
  • It also includes the attributes of the angels and the prophets & their names.
  • the categories of faith
  • the characteristics of our prophet Muhammad PBUH
  • the beliefs of Ahlul-Sunnah concerning his companions, household
  • and some of the miracles of the Prophet PBUH.

Advanced level: Students at this level study ancient faith books, and are trained to read their original language. They study "Explanation of the Tahaawiyah Creed" and "Lama’ al-Alidah fi Qawaeid ‘Ahl al-Sunnah" by Imam al-Juwayni.


The basic requirements for studying Islamic theology vary depending on the student's level, age, and proficiency in Arabic or English. Our curricula are currently taught in these two languages.

Beginner Level Requirements:

  • The student must be at least 6 years old.
  • The student must have a good grasp of Arabic or English.

Elementary Level Requirements:

  • The student must be at least 11 years old.
  • The student must have a good grasp of Arabic or English.

Advanced Level Requirements:

  • The student must be at least 18 years old.
  • The student must pass a proficiency test confirming their ability to read and write in Arabic or English.



Many Muslims residing in non-Muslim countries may encounter difficulties finding a certified tutor to help them learn Quran Tafseer online. 

If you find yourself in this situation, Quran Path Academy has designed a course to assist you. 

Our certified instructors from Azhar use authentic Tafsir Books and employ effective teaching strategies to make Tafseer easy for you. 

With our course, you can now learn the interpretation of the Quran and enhance your understanding of the religion of Islam.

Why Study Online Quran Tafsir Classes ?

  • Learning the Tafseer is essential for every Islamic student
  • Holy Quran is the book of Islam, so to know the meaning of this Holy Book is the highest knowledge.
  • It provide with a clear understanding of what is considered acceptable / Halal and what is not.
  • Preventing learner from being misled by false or deviant ideologies.
  • The Tafseer is the interpretation and explanation of the Quran's verses, which provides deeper insights into the Quran's teachings. It is the most beautiful part of the Quran, and every Muslim should strive to learn it.
  • The Holy Quran cannot be fully understood through translation books onle: The Arabic language is more eloquent than any other language in the world, and therefore, the full meaning of the Quran cannot be conveyed through translation alone.


Start learning Tafseer Quran Online from the comfort of your home with flexible time schedules.

تعلم تفسير القرآن الكريم يشتمل على

  • قصص الأنبياء

  • قصص الأمم السابقة

  • مقاصد الشريعة الإسلامية من القرآن الكريم

    • حفظ النفس
    • حفظ المال
    • حفظ العقل
    • حفظ العرض
    • حفظ الدين
  • أخلاق المسلم في القرآن

  • ما أخبر به القرآن الكريم في صفات نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

  • العبادات في القرآن الكريم

  • العقيدة الإسلامية في القرآن الكريم

  • معرفة الأوامر والنواهي


تعريف الفقه

التعريف اللغوي: يوجد ثلاث تعريفات مختلفة للفقه في اللغة وهم:

  1. فهم الغرض من المتكلم.

  2. الفهم المطلق

  3. فهم الأشياء الدقيقة

التعريف الاصطلاحي: هو العلم (معرفة) بالأشياء المستنبطة من أدلتها التفصيلية.

لماذا نتعلم الفقه 

الفقه من العلوم الضرورية والمهمة لفهم طريقة تأدية العبادات مثل الصلاة، والصوم، والحج وبمعرفة هذه الأمور فهذا يجعلك تؤدي العبادات بطريقة صحيحة، وقد قال نبينا صلى الله عليه وسلم:

"مَن يُرِدِ اللَّهُ به خَيْرًا يُفَقِّهْهُ في الدِّينِ" رواه البخاري



Fiqh Classes have 4 levels:

Islamic jurisprudence is a vast field of study that can be broken down into four levels of learning. These levels are as follows:

  • Level 1: Introductory - This level is designed for beginners, usually around six years of age. It covers fundamental concepts of Islam such as the veneration of the Noble Qur’an, the biography of the Prophet, dealing with others, prayer, honoring one's parents, and etiquettes for defecation.
  • Level 2: Beginner - This level focuses on purity rules, hygiene, ablution conditions, washing and tayammum, various rules of prayer, and etiquette in dealing with people.
  • Level 3: Intermediate - This level delves deeper into ṭahāra (purity) rules, types of water, ablution, ghusl, tayammum, prayer pillars, the call to prayer, the Sunnah, and funeral prayer rules.
  • Level 4: Advanced - At this level, students study the Al-Azhar curricula, the four well-known opinions of jurisprudence (Al-Maliki, Hanafi, Shafi’i, and Hanbali), the jurisprudence of felonies and personal statuses, jurisprudence origins, deducing rules, considered sources in Islamic jurisprudence, and deriving evidence and applying it in life situations.


أبواب الفقه


  • باب الطهارة

  • باب الصلاة 

  • باب الصوم 

  • باب الحج

  • باب الزكاة 

  • فقه المعاملات

  • فقه الجهاد

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About Us

Quran Path Academy

Quran Path is a platform to learn Quran, Arabic and Islamic Studies Online.

As committed members of a team, teachers, staff, and students are all working to make Islam our path in this life and our reward in the next.