
الدراسات الإسلامية

من خلال منهج الدراسات الاسلامية الذي نوفره يدرس الطالب العديد من المواد التأسيسية في العديد من المسارات مثل العقيدة والسيرة النبوية، والفقه، والتجويد، والحديث.

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الدورة الإسلامية التأسيسية

ما لا يسع المسلم جهله

Islam religion offers guidance in every aspect of human life, but in a non-Muslim country, it can be challenging to adhere to Islamic values and raise children in an unfavorable environment.

However, Allah, the Creator, understands the difficulties faced by believers and has provided the perfect role model in the form of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The Prophet, along with his companions, faced numerous hardships but remained steadfast in following Allah's commands, prioritizing the afterlife over worldly desires.

By enrolling in Islamic Studies courses, students can gain a deeper understanding of the teachings of Islam and how to implement them in daily life. 

These Islamic Classes offer insights into the Qur'an, Hadith, Islamic history, and jurisprudence (Fiqh), and providing a well-rounded education on the Islam / religion's principles.


General Islamic Studies Classes

Why Take Islamic Studies Course?

An Islamic Studies course is a great way to deepen your knowledge of Islam and apply its teachings practically. It offers many benefits, including:

  • In-depth knowledge of Islamic history: An Islamic Studies course can help you develop a deep understanding of Islamic history, including the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions.
  • A better understanding of Aqeedah: The course can help you gain knowledge about the basics of Aqeedah, which is essential to understand the core beliefs of Islam.
  • Removal of misconceptions: The course can help you remove any misconceptions you may have about Islam.
  • Connection with the Holy Quran: An Islamic Studies course can help you build a stronger connection with the Holy Quran, understand its teachings and apply them in your daily life.
  • Understanding daily problems and their solutions through Islamic teachings: The course can help you understand how to apply Islamic teachings to solve everyday problems.
  • Learning Islamic manners and ethics: The course can teach you Islamic manners and ethics, which are important for living a good and fulfilling life.
  • Daily dua: An Islamic Studies course can help you learn daily duas, which can be used to seek guidance and blessings.
  • Importance of Salah: The course can help you understand the importance of Salah, its significance in Islam and how to perform it properly.
  • Forms of worship: The course can help you learn about the different forms of worship in Islam, including fasting, Zakat, and Hajj.
  • Improved understanding of Islam: An Islamic Studies course can help you gain a deeper understanding of Islam, its teachings, and its values.

Overall, an Islamic Studies course can provide you with religious education using relevant methods, and provide in-depth knowledge of the fundamentals of Islam.

محاور الدورة

  • العقيدة 

  • الفقه

  • التزكية والأخلاق 



  • الإيمان بالله 

  • والقضاء والقدر 

  • الإيمان بالملائكة

  • الإيمان باليوم الآخر


  • الطهارة 

  • الصلاة 

  • الصيام 

  • الحج


في هذه الدورة يتم دراسة كتاب من كتب الآداب والتزكية والرقائق وفي هذه العلم خيرا كثير في بيان الطريق والسير إلى الله عز وجل وفضل هذا العلم أنه يهتم بإصلاح آفات القلوب.



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Quran Path Academy

Quran Path is a platform to learn Quran, Arabic and Islamic Studies Online.

As committed members of a team, teachers, staff, and students are all working to make Islam our path in this life and our reward in the next.