
الدراسات الإسلامية

من خلال منهج الدراسات الاسلامية الذي نوفره يدرس الطالب العديد من المواد التأسيسية في العديد من المسارات مثل العقيدة والسيرة النبوية، والفقه، والتجويد، والحديث.

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تفسير القرآن


Many Muslims residing in non-Muslim countries may encounter difficulties finding a certified tutor to help them learn Quran Tafseer online. 

If you find yourself in this situation, Quran Path Academy has designed a course to assist you. 

Our certified instructors from Azhar use authentic Tafsir Books and employ effective teaching strategies to make Tafseer easy for you. 

With our course, you can now learn the interpretation of the Quran and enhance your understanding of the religion of Islam.

Why Study Online Quran Tafsir Classes ?

  • Learning the Tafseer is essential for every Islamic student
  • Holy Quran is the book of Islam, so to know the meaning of this Holy Book is the highest knowledge.
  • It provide with a clear understanding of what is considered acceptable / Halal and what is not.
  • Preventing learner from being misled by false or deviant ideologies.
  • The Tafseer is the interpretation and explanation of the Quran's verses, which provides deeper insights into the Quran's teachings. It is the most beautiful part of the Quran, and every Muslim should strive to learn it.
  • The Holy Quran cannot be fully understood through translation books onle: The Arabic language is more eloquent than any other language in the world, and therefore, the full meaning of the Quran cannot be conveyed through translation alone.


Start learning Tafseer Quran Online from the comfort of your home with flexible time schedules.

تعلم تفسير القرآن الكريم يشتمل على

  • قصص الأنبياء

  • قصص الأمم السابقة

  • مقاصد الشريعة الإسلامية من القرآن الكريم

    • حفظ النفس
    • حفظ المال
    • حفظ العقل
    • حفظ العرض
    • حفظ الدين
  • أخلاق المسلم في القرآن

  • ما أخبر به القرآن الكريم في صفات نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

  • العبادات في القرآن الكريم

  • العقيدة الإسلامية في القرآن الكريم

  • معرفة الأوامر والنواهي


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Quran Path Academy

Quran Path is a platform to learn Quran, Arabic and Islamic Studies Online.

As committed members of a team, teachers, staff, and students are all working to make Islam our path in this life and our reward in the next.